Case Study A- we represented the mother who was the Respondent in an application for a Care Order regarding her son, aged 1 year. The child was removed into foster care and proceedings were issued by the Local Authority due to concerns about the number of bruises sustained by the child. At the time of the Child Protection Medical, over 40 bruises were identified. Medical experts were instructed within the proceedings including a Consultant Paediatrician. Ultimately, we were able to secure the return of the child to the mother’s care.
Case Study B- we represented the father of the child, in tragic circumstances where the child’s leg had been burnt and subsequently had to be amputated due to the extent of the injuries. Medical experts were instructed including a burns expert and an engineering expert and the mechanism was identified in keeping with the account given by the parents. The court accepted the evidence that this was a tragic accident and the child was returned to the care of the parents.
Case Study C- we represented the mother in a case where she was the child’s main carer and the baby had been shaken. The mother accepted the medical evidence that the child had been shaken and had suffered significant brain injuries as a result but denied causing the injuries. Findings were made against the mother’s partner and she was removed from the pool of perpetrators.
Case Study D- we represented a mother who again was the child’s main carer where the baby had been shaken and suffered significant brain injuries. The mother was removed from the pool of perpetrators and the child was returned to her care.
Case Study E- we represented the mother where the child sustained injuries. The parents agreed to a temporary separation under Section 20 to enable the case to be dealt with in the pre-proceedings (PLO) process. Medical evidence was obtained and the child was found to have Von Willebrand disease which accounted for the injuries and the child was returned.
Case Study F- we represented a father who was alleged to have caused a cigarette burn to the child. The allegations were successfully challenged and it was found to have been a tick bite and the child was ultimately placed with the father.
Case Study G- we represented the mother in a case where the child had significant bruising to the back. The parents were both medical professionals. Medical evidence confirmed that the child had Von Willebrand disease and the injuries were therefore consistent with the explanations provided and the child remained in the parent’s care.
Case Study H- we represented the mother in a case where her child was diagnosed as being in a Permanently Vegetative State. The child suffered a fracture to his leg and professionals were concerned that this had been caused by the mother due to rough handling. Through the course of proceedings, we were able to evidence that the fracture had not been caused due to rough handling and that the child had weak bones as a result of his medical condition and was significantly more susceptible to fractures than the average child.